Team Organization
To provide the proper management and directives, and to guide the technical work towards the successful accomplishment of the project, a team of HSC personnel will be assigned for this computerization process. The team will consist of the following Activities:

Project/Client Manager:

  1. - Manage the support men.
  2. - Give consultations to the client.
  3. - ERP System implementation management.
  4. - Help client it's to solving any problem get in a way.
  5. - Receiving any client complaints or notes about our work or systems, and answer.


  1. - Training client users.
  2. - system setup
  3. - Implementation systems.
  4. - Integration systems.


  1. - Conversion the old data to the new database.
  2. - Users Log files.

Support men:

  1. - Installation the systems and programs.
  2. - Guidance the users of client to prepare the basic data for all systems.
  3. - Follow up all system implementation steps with client users.
  4. - Help client users to using the systems as well.
  5. - Security and backups
  6. - Answering the client users for any questions about the system.